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Flipped Classroom

Harvard Business Review Press:
Workplace Teaching Modules

  • Tools: Articulate Rise​

  • Storyboarding, Andragogy, Industry Analysis, Workplace Learning

Click on the image below for a detailed understanding of this project.


Berkeley Haas School of Business:
Flipped Classroom Digital Assets

  • Project Management, Storyboarding, Flipped Classroom, Digital Curriculum, LMS Design

  • Subjects: financial accounting, data science, digital marketing, and business ethics

Hawaiian Summer Camp: Ivy Island Jr. 
Computer Science Curriculum

  • Tools: Articulate Rise​

  • Storyboarding, Andragogy, Industry Analysis, Workplace Learning

Click on the image below for a detailed understanding of this project.


Habit 9 Education:
Digital Remote Teaching Curriculum Design

  • Tools: Habit 9 Remote Teaching Software

  • Project Management, Industry Analysis, Curriculum Design

Curriculum Design


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